msw msw
Who should have a website? msw
What's this going to cost? msw
When is the Next Class? msw

About Us

Simple Office Solutions, Inc. has been involved in developing and providing real office solutions for all types of businesses since 1986. We continue to work closely with business owners and their office employees to provide real life office solutions. Our solutions helped organize data the way real offices needed but also helped to organize employees.

We have collected over 20 years understanding real office experiences and put together the best method for data input, storage, tracking, and retrieval. Businesses that have already invested in us saved time, created relationships, and grew their business through integrated organization.

My Simple Website. We are now offering a very affordable solution to help you create a website. This simple "Gadget"|"Widget"|"Gidget" makes putting a website together a website fun and easy. It's for businesses, organizations, clubs, community groups, sports teams, social network, business netoworks (really anyone who has considered having a webpage or website). Easily update and manage your site, quickly and effortlessly.

This solution also works well for sports teams, community organizations, clubs, events, your church. It's for anyone who needs a website, an "electronic brochure", an "electronic catalogue", family album, the list is endless and we help you create the website you've been wanting, we help you promote that idea, and share your vision. My Simple Website gives you the ability to update and manage your site, quickly, easily, anytime.

To get you started we are offering classes where in less than 3 hours you'll leave with a working website, and all the tools and experience you need to maintain and update your site. Sign up Now!

Sign up for a hands-on class on My Simple Website